Sunday, December 5, 2010

Food and Conversation

My husband and I haven't had a real meal out together for... a long while. By that I mean in a nice restaurant with wine, entrée, plat and dessert followed by coffee, all the while surrounded by other adults who are nicely dressed and most notably no children. In Paris you don't see many children in restaurants. It's not because the French don't like children - although I have met a quite a few that don't - it is because a meal isn't just about eating, it's an experience. Dining out in Paris is a meal for all the senses. Quick banter with your waiter, a tantalizing apératif, the deliberation of the menu, the conversation, the ambiance and the pure pleasure of good food eaten leisurely are all necessary parts of the equation. Don't get me wrong, I do look forward to sharing this experience one day with my children. But, I also want them to appreciate how special it is and that starts at home. If there is one thing that France has over the States, it is a their relationship with food. It's a love affair.

Where did we go? Les Fontaines de Mars in the 7th
What I ate: Blancs des poireaux ravigote d'herbe, Poulet fermier rôti purée, Île flottante
What he ate: Oeufs au Madiran "façon meurette", Andouillette de M. Duval et jus au Chardonnay, Tarte au citron

The last time we ate here, before the birth of my youngest, we had just missed Obama and Michelle who had taken a private table upstairs. Our dinner guests were instead Zac Efron and Venessa Hudgens, though I am a bit embarrassed to admit that A. I know who they are and B. recognized them.

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